What is Hand Therapy?


Hand Therapists are registered Physiotherapists or Occupational Therapists who have undertaken extensive training in the treatment of disorders of the hand and upper limb. Australian Hand Therapists are also members of the Australian Hand Therapy Association (AHTA) and have fulfilled the rigorous membership requirements.

Hand therapists possess detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the upper limb and of diseases and conditions that affect the arm. They have specialised skills in the assessment and treatment of upper extremity dysfunction which allows them to provide best practice care for each of their patients through individualised therapy programs. Hand therapists are experienced in wound care, application of suitable dressings to allow exercises and the removal of stitches in the early post-operative phase, as well as scar management and desensitisation in the latter phases of healing.

Hand therapy involves the assessment and management of the hand and upper limb, and may require the fabrication of custom-made splints, application of casts, specific exercises and other techniques which aim to improve function and correct deformity. Management of finger, hand, wrist, forearm and elbow problems should be managed by therapists who exclusively see and treat these conditions. Every hand is different, with different functional demands and this is understood by your hand therapist to provide specific therapy suitable for each individual.

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